COGIT Composites a participé activement au SAMPE Europe 2019 (1)

COGIT Composites a présenté lors du SAMPE Europe (Nantes, sept. 2019) deux posters et Christophe ROUA a animé une conférence.

Voici l’abstract du premier poster qui concerne la caractérisation et simulation d’estampage de composite :

Advanced simulation of the thermo-stamping of Complex composite part – C. ROUA

Abstract :
The thermo-stamping process involves forming a part with a pre-consolidated plate of thermoplastic composite (Carbone/PEKK or PEKK) previously heated in an infra-red oven and cooling down at the contact of the mould. This process seems to be a promising way for the mass production of composite parts. However this process is complex to simulate due to the multi-physics background (textile deformation, thermal shock, rubbing,…) and “trial and error” tests campaigns can be expensive. This study focuses on the measurement and characterization of the process parameters and the material’s behaviour, to simulate the forming phase of the composite sheet and obtain a part without defects. This phase is often considered as a major source of failures (wrinkles, lack of matrix,…). On one hand, the mechanical characterisation in temperature (up to 420°C), of the shear and bending behaviour of the plate, and on the other hand the friction between plies, enables the numerical simulation of the forming process. The experiment makes it possible to determine the consolidation time necessary in order to optimize the fabrication time as a function of the material used and of its thickness. This measurements and simulations optimize the production for this fast process but tricky to tune.
